Many of us at home are either waiting for the diagnosis or for services to address what is off with our children. While waiting or rather instead of just waiting for things to happen, we can learn a few strategies ourselves and try to implement them at home to help our children grow and develop. Below is a list of some ideas* for different activities to address different skills sets, including but not limited to sensory needs and movement, language and communication, emotions and behaviour modeling, etc.

Take one step at a time: Pace yourself and your child's learning. Try to find at least 10 minutes per day to play with your child or teach a new skill. Finally, stay positive!

Occupational Therapy

Jumping on trampoline


Level 1. Let your child jump on trampoline while holding her/his hands for support if she/he needs it. Repeat word "jump" every time your child jumps. Then once in a while "forget" to say the word "jump" and see if your child will say it on her own.

Level 2. When your child mastered jumping on the trampoline without any support, you may ask your child to count, or sing, or recite the alphabet while she/he is jumping. This activity will help to synchronize the work of the right and left brain hemispheres, since the right hemisphere is responsible for large muscles movements and the left hemisphere is responsible for the speech, i.e. this helps bringing brain back to the balance. Click here for more information about the brain balance.



Teach your child to jump in sequence from number 1 to number 10 and backwards. Repeat word "jump" every time your child jumps. When your child can jump without support, ask her/him to say numbers while jumping forward and backward.

Playing basketball

Level 1. Teach your child to throw a ball in a basketball ring. To improve body balance and coordination use little stool for your child to stand on while she/he is throwing the ball. In the beginning you may need to support your child while she/he is learning to climb the the stool and keep the balance. Fade the support gradually. Repeat the word "throw" when your child throws the ball to the ring, then get the ball and throw it back to your child saying the word "catch".

Level 2. When Level 1 is mastered, replace the stool with trampoline and ask your child to throw the ball to the basket ring while jumping on the trampoline.

Sensory & Occupational Therapy (General)

Technology-Based Programs and Games for Autism
Non-Verbal Supports & Visuals

Speech, Language & Communication

Speech, Language and Social Skills


Sequencing & Directions

Facial Expressions & Emotions

Behaviour Modeling

Social Skills & Communication

Early Learning & Academics (General)

Educational Games & Songs


Rhyming & Songs

ABCs & Spelling



Pre-Writing Skills

Printing & Writing

Literacy & Reading


Education Movies and Videos & Video Modeling

Internet Literacy

Free Printable & Downloads (Not Otherwise Classified)

Computer & iPod/iPad/iPhone Apps

Other Resources and Links (Parent-Oriented Only)

Note: Special thanks to Miriam Shchukovsky, Service Coordinator from Surrey Place North, for sharing a lot of resources mentioned on this page!

*Disclaimer: This page is created for information purposes only. Autism Path is not responsible for the outcomes of the strategies discussed on this page. Please contact the licensed service providers and medical professionals to determine what is best for your child based on his or her condition(s) and needs.